Brined and pickled jalapeño slices with complex flavor and aroma

Brined & Pickled Hot Peppers

This is the process for one of the favorite chili pepper preparation: Jalapeño slices!

Fresh hot peppers from our farmers are washed and put into a specific solution to pickle. This gives it an amazing flavor that is sure to please all your customers. Brining is great for all our hot peppers, and for those on the lower end of the SHU scale, it turns them into ready-made snacks for your clients. Adding this process to hot peppers gives them a complex flavor and aroma that cannot be beaten.

Are you in demand for quality brined and/or pickled for your hot pepper products? Contact us for custom collaborations or new product development, working hand in hand with your R&D team.

Popular Products: brined/pickled Habanero, pickled Jalapeño slices, pickled Jalapeño dices, brined Charapita
Certifications: FSSC 22000, Kosher



We ship our brined & pickled hot peppers in:


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